class Array(sieve.File)


sieve.Array is a utility class that helps with dealing with numpy.ndarray. sieve.Array is backed by sieve.File, so it has the same network overhead benefits, with some added properties and constructor to help work with arrays.


import sieve
import numpy as np

# initialize a new sieve array
array = sieve.Array(array=np.arange(6).reshape(3,2))

print(array.path)   # /example/path.npy
print(array.array)  # array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]])
print(array.height) # 3
print(array.width)  # 2

Constructor Arguments

  • array (numpy.ndarray): The array to be initialized
import sieve
import numpy as np

# initialize a new sieve array
array = sieve.Array(array=np.arange(5))
  • path (str): The local path of a npy file to load
  • url (str): The external url of a npy file to load

For examples of path and url constructor arguments, see sieve.File



path(self) -> str

The path to the array on disk, as a .npy file (see sieve.File).


array(self) -> numpy.ndarray

The array as a numpy.ndarray.


height(self) -> int

The height of the array.


width(self) -> int

The width of the array.